Olá peeps !
Como estão passando a semana ?? Já se inicia mais um fim de semana.
Esse ano está passando bem rápido. Isso é bom.
Hoje vou postar esse artigo que saiu no hcareers.com sobre os três motivos que bons trabalhadores não conseguem emprego. Isso me faz parara para pensar. Porque eu sempre teno dá o melhor de mim e sempre me ferro. Na maioria das vezes eu que peço para sair da empresa, ou porque não me sinto mais motivada, ou porque vejo que não tem chances de crescimento, ou salário muito baixo e muito estresse, entre outros motivos. As três vezes (até o momento) em que fui demitida, foi porque a empresa passava por dificuldades financeiras e na época eu era estagiária na mesma e os estágiários são os primeiros a irem embora, na outra pelo que fiquei sabendo a pessoa que é o braço direito digamos assim do dono parece que não foi com a minha cara (não sei o motivo) e a última é por funcionários em demasia. Aí eu me pego pensando: tenho uma graduação, uma pó, estou fazendo outra graduação, sou quase poliglota. Tudo bem que não tenho muita experiência profissional, mas porque é tão difícil conseguir emprego ??
Artigo em inglês:
Nice guys finish
last. Only the good die young. Good workers don’t get jobs. The first is
a well-known saying of debatable validity. The second is courtesy of
the illustrious Billy Joel. And the third is on its way to becoming an
unofficial tagline of the current employment environment—or, at least,
that’s how it feels for many of the 12.7 million unemployed Americans
still diligently searching for the next rung on their career ladders.
Unfortunately, hospitality workers are not immune to the current
employment climate. Here are three reasons we believe employers are
leaving these good workers out of the job market.
Reason #1: The market favors employers
With so many professionals looking for work, competition is fierce for
jobs in any industry, including hospitality. As a result, employers feel
they have the luxury of holding out for exactly the right
candidate—whether that means someone who will work for less than the
going market rate, someone who has experience doing exactly the same job
so he/she requires no training, or someone who miraculously meets the
convoluted requirements created when two or more positions are combined.
In the meantime, restaurants, hotels
and resorts believe they can rely on their current staff to deal with
the workload overflow, because none of them want to become another
unemployment statistic.
Reason #2: Technology gets in the way
The recession forced many companies to make tough decisions, including
staff cuts. Many reduced or eliminated their human resources
departments. Others have always relied on department managers to recruit
and hire. So shuffling through the dozens, hundreds or even thousands
of resumes and applications a job posting generates can fall to a single
To make the hiring process more manageable, a number of these businesses
turn to application tracking systems (ATS). In fact, according to U.S.
News and World Report, statistics show that at least 50 percent of
mid-sized companies and nearly 100 percent of large organizations use
ATS to screen candidates. This automated software searches the
applications or resumes submitted for specific requirements, rejecting
those that are not exact matches.
As a result, qualified candidates may be rejected not because they lack
the skills required to do the job, but because their application did not
include the keywords or other requirements that the software was
searching for. For example, a resume submitted by a chef with a culinary
degree and three years of real world experience could be relegated to
the electronic trash bin because he did not mention a specific cuisine
programmed into the system.
Reason #3: Fewer employees mean lower payroll costs
Many businesses take a simple approach to accounting: money in minus
money out equals profits. When an employee leaves and his or her work is
absorbed by the rest of the staff, that equation tends to show an
increase in profits— at least of the short-term variety. This encourages
the decision makers’ beliefs that they can take their time to fill that
What these companies fail to consider is the long-term effect of
overburdening their workforce in this way. For example, if the quality
of service found at a popular hotel suffers because of staff burnout,
then that will eventually cost the business customers. If a previously
stellar restaurant begins to produce so-so fare because the sous chef
has to do all the prep as well, some people will begin to eat elsewhere.
Chronic workforce shortages also increase the likelihood that current
employees will move on to greener pastures, perhaps at the next
restaurant or hotel that offers them a job. As mentioned earlier,
businesses want to hire people who do not require training, so it’s
quite possible this could happen.
Au Revoir mes amis.
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