Hello People!
How are u doin' ?
Fiquei uns dias sem atualizar, mas estou viva !!! Só que minha vida anda meio entediante e, eu não tenho pesquisado quase sobre o Canadá, mas estava no facebook e, acabei encontrando duas coisas interessantes, que compartilho com vocês.
Primeiro de tudo (mas não menos importante), estava olhando o site do blogTo, num link falando sobre alguns shows que ocorrerão agora em julho na cidade de Toronto (óbvio) e, desci até o finakl da página. Fui onde diz Links & Resources. Ai coloquei em Cooking Classes e, depois abaixo aparece uma lista de locais, que creio serem locais que oferecem aulas de culinária. Dentre esses locais, está escrito LCBO. Pelos meus conhecimentos, LCBO é onde se compra bebidas alcóolicas no Canadá. Bueno, cliquei aí, me levou para o site da LCBO, que é lcbo.com. Não fui olhar sobre cooking classes, mas bisbilhotar sobre as bebidas. Não sei se os preços que estão no site são os mesmos das lojas físicas e, nem se os valores estão em dólares americanos ou canadenses, mas fica a dica. Se alguém quiser ter uma idéia de valores....
Segundo, para o post de hoje, nas minhas "andanças" pela mesma rede social, um link falando sobre comidas com história canadense. Tinha umas que eu não imaginava, tipo peanut butter, eu achava que era 100% americano, mas não é.
Vamos à lista ?
1. Peanut butter
Your mornings would be nothing without peanut butter -- and we have a Montreal native to thank for it! Invented by Marcellus Gilmore Edson in 1884, peanut butter came to be after the U.S. government issued a request for candied peanuts. Edson then patented his process of milling roasted peanuts into a paste, or what we know today as peanut butter. And we are a proud country: 94 per cent of all Canadians have peanuts or peanut butter in their homes.
2. McIntosh apples
McIntosh apples are named after none other than John McIntosh, a farmer from Ottawa who first found the variety in the early 1800s. After purchasing a farm, McIntosh found 20 apple trees, which he transplanted into a garden. By 1930, only one tree had survived, but McIntosh's son, Allan, planted more seedlings from the lone tree and managed to sustain it. Today, every McIntosh apple is descended directly from McIntosh's orchard.
3. Pemmican
Consider Pemmican the Canadian version of jerky. It's a dried meat, usually bison, that's mixed with fat and powder.
It first originated in early Canadian history to help preserve foods in
the cold winter months, and is a long-time aboriginal practice that's
still used today.
4. Figgy duff
Figgy duff is an Atlantic-Canadian delicacy: pudding containing bread crumbs, raisins and spices and prepared by boiling through a cloth bag. It was first brought to Canada during the 16th century
by settlers in Newfoundland and Labrador. Today, it remains a staple
during "Jiggs dinner," commonly celebrated on Sundays by
5. Nanaimo bars
It's chocolate, custard and goodness wrapped in a single bar: the Nanaimo bar, a gift from the Canadian heavens. We actually have no idea
who first decided to bake these bars and bestow they're deliciousness
unto the world, so the city of Nanaimo, B.C. has taken up ownership. We
do know, however, that they were sent to miners by their loved ones to brighten their long working days, which is enough of a feel-good story for us.
6. Saskatoon berries
Saskatoon berries are inherently Canadian: They only grow in the
northern prairies of Canada and are distinct in their flavour. They look
similar to blueberries, but have a much more "wild" taste, rivaling that of raspberries and blackberries. The Saskatoon berry is so popular that it has its own summer festival to celebrate it every year.
7. Split pea soup
Split pea soup -- also known by French Canadians as Habitant pea soup –
traces back to the days of Samuel de Champlain and his trans-Atlantic
voyage back in the 17th century.
One chef has reason to believe this hardy soup has been passed on for
400 years, and now serves it up in his own Ottawa restaurant for the
next generation to enjoy.
8. Butter tarts
Butter tarts are savoury and delicious desserts that have a rich Canadian history. Brought to Canada during the 16th century by filles de marier
("marriageable girls" who came to the country with promises of a better
life), butter tarts came to be because the imported brides had limited access to ingredients, and could only prepares desserts with the little they had. The recipe for butter tarts is actually one of few dessert recipes in the Women's Auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital Cookbook,
and while it has been updated today to include new ingredients like
walnuts or raisins, remains a staple in Canadian culinary history.
9. Tourtiere
It's not the first dish that comes to mind when you think of "Canadian
food," but the Tourtiere is the epitome of French-Canadian cuisine. A
pork and beef pie typically enjoyed in the chillier fall and winter
months, Tourtiere was first prepared in the 1600s in Quebec. Today, the dish has spread to other provinces, but remains a Quebecois staple.
Interessante, não ?
No link da reportagem, ainda há videos com receitas e algumas curiosidades. Vale a pena ver.
Créditos: http://www.kitchendaily.ca/
Abraços !
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